Our staff is a committed team of doctors, nurses, receptionists and administration managers.
We have staff members who are fluent in various languages including the languages of the Philippines (Tagalog, Cebuano, and Ilocano) as well as Korean and Hindi. Please let us know what your first language is if you are not fluent in English. You are welcome to either bring you own interpreter or we can arrange an interpreter to help with
your consultation.
Our Staff
Practice Nurses
Our Practice Nurses are Lucita, Raksha, Likha, Aimee, and Aisha. We often have student nurses working at the clinic to gain experience in practice nursing.
Reception staff
Our Reception staff consists of Pauline, Vena-Mae,
Jenny and Margaret.
Practice Mangement is directed by Pauline and Mary.
Go to Our Doctors page for learn more.
Find Us
2-4 Clifton Court, Panmure, Auckland
(opposite Mt Wellington Library
on Pilkington Road)
Contact Us
Call us (09) 527 3344
Fax (09) 527 3545
Email preid@tfhc.co.nz